Adress, contact, opening times, CV & exhibitions
(and sources of the citations in the ARTWORKS section, CV, exhibitions & publications)
[email protected]
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JOMA Brouwersgracht 49
Opening times
JOMA is open on Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays from 11 a.m. untill 5 p.m.
CLOSED: Friday 17th of January, and Saturday 18th of January.
Curriculum Vitae 1947 - 2023
for complete CV (in Dutch) scroll down at Dutch version of website >>>>
SOURCES of the citations in the ARTWORK section
Rabbijn Tamarah Benimah at the opening of my first solo exhibition "Martin" 8th of May 2011 in the Borne synagogue.
David Sperber: "Postmemory": The Censored Art of Maarten van der Heijden, an article that appeared on 3 Oktober 2017 with my participation in the Jerusalem Biennale 2017 (you can find a LINK at the Artworks section).
Manel Esparbé i Gasca, Ken Zeph & Pieter Kusters, in my final report at Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy Amsterdam, dd. 11 July 2010.
Merijn Bolink, in an assessment of the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy Amsterdam, 2009.
Marianne Hirsch: The Generation of Postmemory - Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust. Columbia University Press, New York, 2012. (p. 34).
Batya Brutin: Artists: "Second generation" in Israel, in: Jewish Women's Archive, Jewish women, A comprehensive historical encyclopedia.
Marianne Hirsch: The Generation of Postmemory - Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust. Columbia University Press, New York, 2012. (p. 39).
CV / Selected exhibitions & publications
Maarten van der Heijden (Amsterdam,1947) is a second-generation Jew who works as a autonomous visual artist in Amsterdam. He had previous careers in baroque music and in childpsychology. After a midlife-crisis he studied from 2005 on at Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy Amsterdam, where he graduated in 2010 with works that reflect his Jewish second-generation identity. In his works Van der Heijden uses the photographs the allied forces took at the liberation of the nazi concentrationcamps in 1945. Van der Heijden gives guest-lessons in dutch schools (Landelijk Steunpunt Gastsprekers WO II-Heden, Kamp Westerbork). From 2015 on he works on the JOMA: a work in progress and a combination of his artworks and the family-stories.
S e l e c t e d e x h i b i t i o n s
01 October - 15 November; Jerusalem – The Jerusalem Biennale 2017, Bezeq Building: Jerusalem, Between Heaven and Earth (group exhibition of The Jewish Art Salon curated by Ori Z. Soltes).
23 March - 15 May; Groningen – Folkingestraat Synagoge Groningen: Abrahamic / Abrahamitisch; solo exhibition curated by Marcel Wichgers.
4 March - 5 June; Amsterdam – Synagogue of the Liberal Jewish Community Amsterdam, LJG: Egodocumenten; group exhibition curated by Irene Faber & Maarten van der Heijden.
5 Sept .- 11 Dec.; Amsterdam– Synagogue of the Liberal Jewish Community Amsterdam): LJG Salon Artistique – Professional LJG artists show their works;
group exhibition curated by Jet Naftaniel.
28 March - 4 May; Amsterdam – Arti et Amicitiae: Orchestral Manoevres in the Dark – O.M.D.;
group exhibition curated by Martin C. De Waal.
19 July - 3 Aug.;Santa Fe / NM / USA – Jay Etkin Gallery: UneXpected / JuXta-positions;
group exhibition curated by Mickey Bond.
11 - 28 March; St. Louis / MO / USA – The Museum of ImaJewnation: Freedom Imagined, Freedom lived: An Artistic Review of the Passover Promise;
group exhibition curated by Naomi Fishman.
Febr. - Sept.; Amsterdam – Municipality of Amsterdam: DMO / Office of Social Development: Ruimen, 141 BOXES (show of nine photocollages);
group exhibition curated by Eva Brinkman.
1 - 16 Dec.; Amsterdam – Arti et Amicitiae: 141 BOXES– installation;
group exhibition juried by Henk Wijnen.
13 - 29 Jan. & 1 - 16 Sept.; Amsterdam – Arti et Amicitiae: Salons [1] & [2] 2012;
group exhibitions.
26 April - 30 May; New York– Congregation Beth Torah: Making Connections – Maintaining and Expressing Jewish Identity Through Art;
group exhibition curated by Tobi Kahn & Yona Verwer.
18 - 20 May; Amsterdam – Open Ateliers Jordaan;
solo exhibition.
2 - 6 Oct.; Berlin / Germany – 5Fotografen5Tage: “Overcoming Photography” ;
solo exhibition curated by Christian Hernbeck, Alexandra Klei & Annika Wienert.
7 May - 13 June; Borne Synagogue Netherlands– “Martin”;
solo exhibition.
S e l e c t e d p u b l i c a t i o n s & T.V. b r o a d c a s t
Marcel Wichgers : De gruwelijk mooie kunst van Maarten van der Heijden [The atrociously beautiful art of Maarten van der Heijden ], in: Mzzl!, 2015, no. 7, p.26. [in Dutch]
18 July / David Sperber : “Postmemory”: The Art of Maarten van der Heijden, in: Erev Rav Magazine, edited by Yonatan Amir & Ronen Eidelman.
[; in Hebrew]
6 Sept. / Tal Sarid, M. Boogerman & M. Boogerman : Eindelijk weer joods [ Finally Jewish again ], Veasonic / Jewish broadcasting / Ned.2.
Naomi Fishman & Barry Milder (eds.) : Freedom Imaged, Freedom Lived – Passover Haggadah, A Project of the Museum of Imajewnation, p.38.
Maarten van der Heijden : Grotesques and Tissues as Unpleasant Graphic Designs, in: Selena Savic & Gordan Savicic (ed.), Umpleasant Design, G.L.O.R.I.A, Belgrade, p.197-202.
Achsa Vissel : De beelden in mijn hoofd [The images in my head ],
in:Nieuw Israelitisch Weekblad, year 145, nr. 30, p.18-19. [in Dutch]
Maarten van der Heijden:De Shoa Subliem Sublimeren?[Sublimely Sublimating the Shoah? ], BachelorThesis, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam. [in Dutch]